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Kick-off guidelines

Thank you for choosing!

The goal of these kick-off guidelines is to help better understand your requirements, which will help ensure the success of your events.

Feel free to have a look at our service level agreement here.

Should you have more specific requirements, do not hesitate to contact your Account Manager.

General Requirements


Choose your preferred account name.
If you don’t have a custom URL included in your contract, it will impact the URL of your events. By default, your URL will be: ‘’

Custom URL (if included in your contract)

If you’d like a custom URL instead of the default one, you have 3 options. Please let us know which option you prefer and which URL you would like to have.

  • Option 1: use an existing domain name. You’ll need to update the DNS records on your side (on the domain owner’s side).
  • Option 2: buy a new available domain. You’ll need to update the DNS records on your side (on the domain owner’s side).
  • Option 3: we can buy a new available domain for you and update the DNS records on our side. Nothing has to be done on your side.

Note: you can check the availability of a domain on Gandi

Custom sender email (if included in your contract)

The sender (‘FROM’) email address is the email address displayed in your mail client (e.g. Outlook or Gmail) when you receive an email from a sender not yet in your contact list. It is also the email address used by recipients’ servers to send technical alerts like errors or out-of-office messages.

You have 3 options, please let us know which option you prefer:

  • Option 1: Using the default ‘’ FROM domain. The “FROM email address” and ‘display name’ will be “Organizer Name <>”. The Reply-To email address will be the one defined in your profile details. In this case, you don’t have anything to do except configuring your settings properly.
  • Option 2: Configuring a no-reply email address with a custom domain dedicated to your event like “Organizer Name <>”. The custom domain name should be a brand new one without any email address configured. In this case, the configuration of new records in your DNS will be needed and you have 2 options:
  1. If you buy a new available domain name, we will send you the technical information to make the updates in your DNS by yourself; or you can provide us with the credentials to make them on your behalf.
  2. If we buy the domain for you, we will update the DNS records. Nothing has to be done on your side.
  • Option 3: Configuring an existing email address of your own as FROM, like “Organizer Name <>”. In this case, the configuration of new records in your DNS will be needed. We will send you the technical information to make the updates in your DNS by yourself; or you can provide us with the credentials to make them on your behalf.

Custom colors (if included in your contract)

You can choose 2 colors for your registration website: one primary color and one secondary color. Please provide us with the HEX codes.

Custom fonts (if included in your contract)

You can choose the font that will be used on the registration website.
Please provide us with the font file.




Choose the name of your event that will be displayed on your event website homepage as well as in all your communications with your customers/attendees.


You can choose to create a permanent event (without any start or end dates). In this case, simply deactivate the Define your event date toggle. 
You can also define precisely when your event will take place. Choose a start date and an end date from the calendar. These dates will be displayed on your event website and in confirmation emails, with export possibilities to your favorite calendar tool.

Registration period

You can define a registration period, which is the period during which invited people/guests can register. You can enter a start and end dates from the calendar and specify the exact opening and closing hours as well. If Define a registering period toggle is left deactivated, by default the registrations will stay open until the event start date.


Depending on the type of event you are organizing, you can set your main location as physical or online. If you have one event but multiple physical or online locations on different dates and across several time zones, simply link a specific location to each of your event categories and options.



Easily create and edit the homepage and additional pages on your website. You can add dedicated pages for your Partners, Sponsors, Program, Speakers, or for any other information.
Please provide us with the elements below:

  • The logo to be displayed on the top left of your website (300×60 px)
  • The cover image to be displayed on the homepage (1920×720 px). By default, this image will also be displayed on the other pages of your website. You can add a different cover image for additional pages (1920×240 px) that will be displayed in place of the cover image.
  • The website pages you want to create and the content you need inside each page.
  • For the agenda page, here is an example of a “standard” Program page (not linked with the registration page). If you prefer, we can also create a blank content page in which you can write, link, or embed any existing content.
  • For the Speakers / Partners / Sponsors page, picture format is 240×240px.
  • For the Partners page, the recommended width is 240px.

Registration form

You can customize your registration process and collect only the information you need.
Can you please let us know:

  • The fields and titles you need your registrants to fill in (e.g., email, name, job title, company…) and whether those fields are mandatory or not. Different types of fields can be used, such as Checkbox, Choice List, Country List, Date, Email, File Upload, Section Title, Text, and VAT number.
  • The placeholder and/or explanatory texts of those fields (if needed).
  • The terms and conditions for registrants to read and accept (if needed). Alternatively, provide us with a text and link to your company’s terms and conditions page.
  • The Privacy policy & GDPR (if needed). We propose a model of privacy policy to validate when registering for your event. But you can of course customize it to better align with your needs or the specificities of use you intend to make of the collected data.


Correctly creating and setting up your categories and options from the beginning is very important. There are limitless combinations possible, and finding the most appropriate to your event specificities will highly improve the efficiency of your overall event management.

Be aware that once a registrant has chosen/purchased a specific category or option, you will no longer be able to remove that item, as you wouldn’t want to delete a ticket that has already been purchased.

Configure your categories

One of the most important steps of your registration form setup is the creation of categories. Categories are the first layer of choices you make available to registrants. They are mutually exclusive (guests can pick only one) and represent the highest items in your ticketing structure. Options created later in the process will be applicable to your selection of categories,

If your event is simple, and you do not offer many choices to registrants, you can create simple categories e.g., “Participation to day 1”, “Participation to day 2”, etc. But event organizers usually want to offer more choices for participants and filter them by type, price… and spread these choices over multiple layers. This is where categories/options structure becomes most valuable, allowing you to create multiple layers of choices.

A common example of categories would be membership type: Member – Non-member

Configure your options

Once the categories and option groups have been set up, you can start creating options. Options are the lowest level of choices your registrants will be able to select during the registration process. You can create as many options as you want, apply them to all or a selection of categories, and choose in which group of options each option will be displayed.

A common example of options would be: Morning session – Lunch – Afternoon session.

Organize your options by groups

You can organize your options by groups (if your event structure requires it). It represents the structure in which the options will be displayed. You can be very creative in your groups and adapt the structure based on your event specificities.

A common example of groups of options would be: Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3.

Registration process

Important info

During the registration process, important information can be displayed. If filled out, these texts will appear as ‘important info’:

  • Underneath the registration form,
  • Underneath the categories and options,
  • Above the registration confirmation button.

Please provide us with the text for every ‘important information’ you should need.

Check-out page

Upon registering (on the check-out page) a confirmation message will appear. Different texts can be written. The texts may be different depending on whether it is a free or a paid event. If it is a paid event, you can provide us with the texts for each payment method chosen (e.g., bank transfer, online payment, or other payment methods).

Automatic emails

In the confirmation email, you can write different explanation texts. The texts may be different depending on whether it is a free or a paid event. If it is a paid event, you can provide us with the texts for each payment method chosen (e.g., bank transfer, online payment, or other payment methods).

By default, the confirmation email subject will be 'Registration to {%event_name%}'.

Summary of the design assets

The allowed extensions are: .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, and .png

Image size and weight optimization is very important for both SEO and user experience. Make sure the image has the recommended size and has been optimized (usually less than 200 KB). For assistance, please visit tinypng and drag and drop your images. This application will compress your images without any quality loss.

  • Logo = 300×60 px
  • Cover image for the homepage = 1920x720 px
  • Cover image for the additional pages = 1920x240 px
  • Speaker Sponsors pages = 240×240px
  • Partners page = width 500px


The team

updated 2021-12-08