newsuser guides
Manage access rights to your account
Easily monitor what users can see and edit in your account, your profile(s) and your events.

user guides
Advanced registration form using conditions
Customize your registration form by applying conditions and actions on certain fields and categories.

user guides
Managing attendees payments and transactions
Discover our new straightforward and user-friendly attendees payment dashboard.

user guides
How to check-in your attendees on site
Check-in attendees by simply scanning their e-tickets' QR codes at the gates

user guides
Create unique virtual events with the idloom online stage
Make your online events more interactive than ever by broadcasting multi-source content: livestream, Q&A, polling, pre-recorded videos,…

user guides
User management and creation
How to create new users, associate them with circles, send them an invitation, filter them by role...

user guides
Group creation and management
How to create a new group, associate it with user circles, filter it by theme, configure the type of content that will be published there…

newsuser guides
Online Event Management with Cisco Webex
Create your Webex meeting rooms without ever leaving the backend of idloom-events !

newsuser guides
Time Crosstable View & Option Table Generation
Timeslot booking has never been more intuitive thanks to idloom-events new crosstable view

user guides
Managing online events
It's never been easier to organize and manage online events thanks to idloom

user guides
Video conferences in your intranet
In the last weeks, due to the #covid19 crisis, the amount of video conference calls has literally boomed to unprecedented levels. As…

newsuser guides
Online meetings with idloom.events
Cancelling your event is not the only way – it’s time to move online

newsuser guides
Print-it-yourself badge / ticket
Automatically send pdf badges/tickets in confirmation emails