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Structure and navigate your event website with content and menu builder
User guides

Structure your event website content & navigation for the ultimate browsing experience Structure and navigate your event website with idloom’s enhanced content and menu builder. Add pages, links, and dropdowns for a seamless attendee experience and effortless access to key information.


A new way to structure your event website

A well-structured event website ensures attendees can quickly access important details—like schedules, speakers, ticketing, or venue information—leading to higher engagement.

To give you full control over how your content is organized, idloom now lets you create and customize your own navigation menu. With this new feature, you can add pages, external links, and dropdown menus to structure your website exactly the way you want.

Whether you prefer a simple menu with a few essential pages or a more advanced setup with dropdowns, the process is now fully in your hands.

Structure your event website content & navigation menu for the ultimate browsing experience

How to set up your content using idloom's event website content builder

The homepage is now fully integrated into the new content builder, bringing all content and settings into a single, streamlined page structure. This ensures a consistent and user-friendly interface across all your event pages, including speakers, sponsors, agenda, and more.

The new website content builder also introduces a powerful drag-and-drop feature, making it easier than ever to organize your homepage. Want a single-page event website? Simply drag and drop pages into sections within your homepage to create a scrollable one-pager where all key content is displayed in one place.

Organize and structure your event website navigation menu

To access the new navigation menu builder, go to content > website in your event settings. Within this section, you’ll now find a dedicated area for managing your website’s navigation.

This new feature allows you to easily organize your event website menu by adding:

  • Existing pages – Link to pages you’ve created in the content builder. (Only live pages can be added to your navigation menu—draft pages won’t be available.).
  • Custom links – Add links to external websites to feed your event website with additional content.
  • Dropdowns – Group multiple pages and/or custom links under a single menu item to keep your navigation clear and organized.

Simply drag and drop pages into dropdowns to keep your navigation structured. Pages within a dropdown menu can also include a subtitle and even a cute little icon.

Use case: a tech conference website

Imagine you’re organizing a Tech Innovation Summit. You might want to group related pages together for a cleaner, more intuitive navigation experience.

Here’s an example of how your menu could be structured:

  • Home 
  • Speakers (dropdown menu)
    • Keynote speakers
    • Panelists
    • Workshop hosts
  • Agenda (existing page created in content builder)
  • Sponsors (dropdown menu)
    • Sponsorship opportunities
    • Partner organizations
  • About (custom link from external website)

Bring your event website to the next level

While the website content builder helps you design and manage your event pages, the new navigation menu builder ensures those pages are easily accessible in a structured, user-friendly way.

Start using the new features today and create the ultimate browsing experience for your attendees!



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